Prezzo per 7 notti - 11 persone, NON a testa / 7 Night Price in Euro up to 11 people - NOT per head
Stagione / Season | Settimane/Weeks | Prezzo/Price |
Alta / High | from 10.07 to 28.08.10 Date format: DD.MM.YY |
2533 Euro |
Media / Medium | from 22.05 to 10.07.10 from 28.08 to 25.09.10 |
2000 Euro |
Medio bassa / Med low | from 02.01 to 09.01.10 from 27.03 to 22.05.10 from 25.09 to 13.11.10 from 18.12 to 01.01.11 |
1320 Euro |
Bassa / Low | from 09.01 to 27.03.10 from 13.11 to 18.12.10 |
963 Euro |
Cambio biancheria settimanale / Weekly linen and bathroom towels: incluso / included
Riscaldamento centrale / Central heating: a consumo / by consumption
Pulizia finale / Final clean: inclusa / included
Podere Camera 58A - 53020 San Giovanni d'Asso - Siena
Tel: 0577 834424 - 3383202565 - 3332893291